Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reflection (16th Sep 2013)

Do you think Anne Frank deserved the treatment she got? Explain.

      Anne Frank, who was one of victim of Nazi which Hitler created. If you know the story of Anne Frank, probably you will have same opinion with me. she's not deserve to get it. It was really unfair! She's just young teenager and didn't do anything bad to deserve those situation. not only her, even other Jewish people. It's still hard to understand that why Hitler did horrible things on Jewish. what's the matter with that?

      Fifteen years old. It's too young to die. Only the reason why she's Jewish, she's not able to go out and always run a way from soldiers. Have you ever think about why does she start to write diary? actually it wrote in the book. she was alone. In her age, she suppose to have friends and share ideas, talk and chill out. however, she had no chance to get friends. she was busy to hide from them and in the second world war, there is no composure to have friends. everyone became victim, and dying. who's going to make a friend in that situation? and the diary, it was the only place that she could explain everything that she wants.

      She were yearn for have normal life, such as riding a bicycle, do the whistle, see the world and feel about youth. she haven't expect big things, just wanted normal life. that makes me feel sorry for her. she wasn't deserve to treated like that. at least she left about how she felt and how was her life in all over world. I hope this kinds of happen never happen again. never ever.

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